
Cordova Bay United Church is a faith community of about 185 families and individuals within External link opens in new tab or windowThe United Church of Canada. We believe each person is a unique, loved creation of God. We are a church seeking to be mission-shaped: building a church and building God’s mission of love by actively caring for our community and the world. We believe everyone has something to contribute to God’s mission.

Your support through donation allows us to maintain the wide array of programs we offer, add new programs to serve emerging needs within the church and community and to update our church facility to meet existing and future use.

Tax receipts are issued at the end of each year for all donations. Under the Income Tax Act, a taxpayer is entitled to a tax credit for donations made to a number of organizations. Gifts of $200 and less will produce a tax credit at the rate of 17%. If gifts exceed $200 in one year, the excess will have a credit of 29%.

The credit rate is multiplied by the amount of the gift/donation and the product is then deducted from the tax which would be otherwise payable. The value of the credit is effectively increased by about 50% when provincial tax is taken into account (The Canadian Book of Charities, 2004).

CExternal link opens in new tab or windowordova Bay United Church is a charity registered under the Income Tax Act and is eligible to issue official donation receipts.

You may view the church's contact information and Registered Charity Information Return, including financial information, by clicking on the name of the church.