A recorded service will also be available after the Livestreamed service.
We are an inclusive community living out Christ's love and care for the world.
Everybody- and we mean EVERYBODY - is welcome.
We invite you to join us for Sunday worship. You can take part in one of three ways:
We offer a Sunday children's program called 'Spirit Kids'. The program begins with children and youth joining the rest of the congregation in the sanctuary before getting together in the youth lounge or outside.
Below is our most recent recorded service of Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024.
You will find past worship services and more on our YouTube channel. Just click on the link below.
Click on the link below for past orders of service.
Children and youth brought their school backpacks to church on Sunday Sept. 15 for a special back-to-school blessing.
Pastor Beth Parsons blessed the backpacks as part of our Celebration Sunday.
The Cordova Bay United Church men's breakfast group returned Saturday Sept. 14 from a summer hiatus.
Thirteen men met in the church hall for coffee and a continental breakfast.
The first session of the fall was an informal but lively discussion about upcoming elections on both sides of the border.
The men's group meets every second Saturday of the month at 9 am.
The Cordova Bay United Church Praise Band was in full flight for Celebration Sunday on Sept. 15.
The band delighted the congregation with its uplifting music and joyful performance.
The Messy Church Summer Fun and Safety BBQ was a huge hit!
More than 35 children from the church and the community turned out Friday evening and brought their parents, grandparents and family members.
They were greeted by a crew of Saanich Firefighters and a huge fire truck in the church parking lot. Kids (both young and old) were given a tour of the truck and its firefighting equipment.
There was also a bike safety checkup station, a bike wash station (the most popular station), an obstacle course, an arts and crafts table where kids could make their own summer visors and of course barbecued hot dogs with ice cream for dessert.
What a wonderful event!
Thanks to Moira and Marcia for all their work on this and to all the volunteers who made it so much fun for the kids.
Click on the link below for past announcements.
Follow our FaceBook posts here or like us on FaceBook to follow.
Pastor Beth Parsons, Children and Youth Coordinator Moira Dennis and volunteer Willa Burke were kept busy at the Cordova Bay United Church booth Saturday at Cordova Bay Day.
More than 40 children attended the booth to get tattoos and stickers and make personalized visors.
It was a beautiful day with lots of sun so CBUC volunteers Lynn Dennis, Glenn Parsons and Ron Norman handed out free bottled water to thirsty folks.
As well, volunteers chatted with the steady stream of families who attended the booth, and handed out new church pens and Messy Church fridge magnets as well as various stickers and information about church activities.
Following the Sunday worship service Cordova Bay United Church celebrated Pastor Beth Parsons's ordination with a cake in the church hall.
The congregation also made a gigantic card congratulating Beth on her ordination.
You are invited to Cordova Bay's newest cafe. Cordova Cafe runs once a month - on the second Saturday - from 10am - 12 noon in the Cordova Bay United Church hall.
The cafe offers free coffee, baked goodies and an opportunity for people in the neighbourhood to meet and chat.
Everyone is welcome - you do not have to attend Cordova Bay United.
The cafe is the church's way of helping to build community here in Cordova Bay.
So come on out to Cordova Cafe and get to know your neighbours.
Cordova Bay United Church
813 Claremont Ave.
Victoria, BC . V8Y 1J9
Tel: (250) 658-5911
Onsite Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday - 9am - 11:30am
Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9am - 2pm