A recorded service will also be available after the Livestreamed service.
We are an inclusive community living out Christ's love and care for the world.
Everybody- and we mean EVERYBODY - is welcome.
The Mission and Service Program is the heart and soul of the United Church and an important ways we live out the call to do God’s mission.
A national program, it supports a range of activities across Canada and around the world, including partnering with:
Cordova Bay United is an integral supporter of Our Place, an inner-city community centre serving Greater Victoria’s most vulnerable: working poor, impoverished elderly, mentally and physically challenged, addicted and the homeless.
Our Place serves over 1,600 meals per day, and provides hot showers, free clothing, counselling and outreach services, plus 45 transitional housing units.
Many of our members volunteer at Our Place, including in the kitchen to cover statutory holidays. We contribute food and clothing throughout the year, and we have an Angel Gift campaign where every Christmas we donate more than $4,000 in gifts for Our Place patrons.
In 2017, the youth of the church carried out Project Connect where they worked with the congregation to donate items such as toiletries, socks, underwear and other items. They managed to fill 37 backpacks.
The Caring Ministry provides pastoral care and support for church members, especially those with special needs and who are isolated.
Cordova Bay United Church is active in the local community in other ways and supports the activities of a number of local groups.
For The Love of Africa started in Cordova Bay United Church but support from the community was so enthusiastic it quickly created its own society. For The Love of Africa is an incredible success story, partnering with local communities in Tanzania to build more than a half-dozen facilities, including a medical clinic, several schools and a technical institute.
Internet for Humanity works to establish low-cost reliable internet browsing and email systems in isolated and impoverished regions of Uganda. Its clients include NGOs, non-profits and humanitarian organizations, as well as local schools, hospitals, cooperatives and other community initiatives.
Church member Rob Porter works with Robert Tabula in Uganda and together they are bringing economic development and empowerment to marginalized communities.
The Didi Society works to empower women globally through fair trade, and educate youth locally on social justice issues.
Church member Julia Norman founded the non-profit, which partners with women’s co-operatives in India. Locally, they have provided workshops and courses for youth on fair trade, gender equality, environmental sustainability and human rights.
Cordova Bay United Church’s Ethel Wilson Women’s Group raises funds and donates to a range of community charities. Recent charities have included: The Cridge Centre Respite Program, the Women’s Sexual Assault Centre, the 1UP Single Parent Resource Centre, and Bridges for Women - an employment training program for women with a history of trauma and abuse.
At Cordova Bay United Church we welcome the community into our home and encourage the use of our facilities. A number of community groups, agencies and non-profits rent our space or partner with us to raise funds for worthwhile causes, such as Our Place or
The Morogoro Women’s Training Centre. Some of the groups and their activities are featured below.
Gentle Yoga
Monday and Wednesday from 11 am -12 pm in the church hall
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the church hall
Brownies, Guides and Sparks
Mondays and Wednesdays
Victoria Arion Male Choir
Monday evenings
Island Health Adult Day Program
Tuesday and Thursday in the church hall